Theracane for your pelvic floor?!

If you're familiar with how a Theracane might be used to massage out the tension in your shoulders, you already understand the basics of a pelvic wand!

Dr. Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas explains in the video below the benefits of a pelvic wand and the various types of pelvic wands offered by Intimate Rose. Take a look!

Pelvic Wands

Pelvic wands serve a versatile purpose, addressing both surface-level needs such as perineal massage and introitus stretching, as well as delving into the deeper pelvic floor muscles. They prove invaluable for individuals dealing with Endo/IC pain, tailbone discomfort, hypertonic muscles, or deep dyspareunia.

Moreover, these wands are a boon for expecting mothers, offering an excellent solution for perineal massage. Postpartum, they become an indispensable tool for massaging scar tissue and relieving trigger points, ensuring comfort and wellness during this crucial phase.

Intimate Rose has several different options of pelvic wands, including a vibrating option as well as a hot and cold therapy option.

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