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    • Clinician code for patient discount
    • Local patient referrals
    • Educational materials
    • Clinician networking and collaboration
    • Unrivaled support
    • Monthly research data
    • Product-focused groups
    • Clinician webinars
    • And more!

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A Note From Dr. Amanda

At Intimate Rose, we're committed to supporting you with high-quality resources and products that make a real difference in your patients' lives. Your dedication inspires us, and we're here to serve as your partner, enhancing the care you provide. Together, we are truly moving pelvic health forward.

Amanda Olson, DPT, PRPC
President and Chief Clinical Officer, Intimate Rose

  • Proprioceptive Pelvic Floor Training

  • How to Use Vaginal Dilators

  • Are Your Patients Doing Kegels Correctly?

  • The Wand: Indications / Contraindications