For many people suffering with pelvic pain or incontinence, returning to sexual activity or improving their current sex lives is a goal. No matter what the diagnosis, impaired ability to be with a partner can be very challenging for people. For this reason, a sex educator or sex therapist can be highly instrumental in reaching one’s goals.

Sex When You Suffer from Pelvic Pain

For those experiencing pelvic pain diagnosis such as vaginismus, dyspareunia, vulvodynia, vestibulodynia, post cancer vaginal stenosis, scar pain, perineal pain or pelvic girdle pain after pregnancy or injury, sex can be a feared or avoided activity.

This can lead to isolation, strain on relationships, and negative impact on one’s self image and esteem. Working through this problem requires trust and excellent communication in a relationship.

For those experiencing urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, anorgasmia (inability to achieve orgasm), or other underactive pelvic floor issues, sex can become boring, unsatisfying, and tedious. This can lead to issues like those of people with pelvic pain.

Interview With Sex Educator Kait Scalisi

Dr. Amanda had the great honor of discussing pleasure, return to sex, and other ways for couples to share intimacy with Kait Scalisi, sex educator. Kait is changing the narrative of what it means to live fully, experience pleasure both in and out of the bedroom, communicate effectively, and engage in intimacy.

She is smart, funny, and provides explicit ways that partners can communicate pain and discomfort. On the other side of the coin she also provides guidance on how to ask for what one wants to achieve pleasure and explore different avenues in the sexual realm.

With a background in neuroscience and a sound knowledge of anatomy, nerves, and the emotions tied into sex, she expounds on her own experiences as well. One of the pearls of wisdom she shares is that pleasure starts outside the bedroom first.

She encourages seeking out what brings pleasure and joy, in order to know what satisfies you in the bedroom.

The more you know yourself and what you like, the more you can ask for it and reciprocate it for your partner. She also discusses how to communicate sexual issues with a partner to reduce miscommunications and to manage security within the relationship.

Relevant Tags: Pelvic Pain, Pain With Sex, Vaginismus

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By Dr. Amanda Olson, DPT, PRPC
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