Getting rid of BV is a concern for many, as it affects up to 33% of women aged 14-45 at least once in their lives, with some experiencing recurring infections. While antibiotics are the go-to medical treatment, boric acid is emerging as a promising natural alternative for combating this common vaginal infection.

So much so, that for women suffering from recurring BV infections, research has proven that a combination of antibiotics and boric acid can not only cure BV but successfully prevent repeated infections too. 

Read on to learn all about how to get rid of BV with boric acid suppositories and the condition of bacterial vaginosis.

Boric Acid: What Is It?

Originating from the element boron, boric acid typically comes in a white powder form that has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. For these reasons, it has been used as a natural remedy for women’s reproductive health issues for centuries, particularly to restore a healthy vaginal microflora after vaginal infections due to harmful bacteria, fungi, or viruses.

How to Use Boric Acid Suppositories for BV

To get rid of bacterial vaginosis (BV) with boric acid, you can use boric acid vaginal suppositories, like Boric Balance from Intimate Rose. Insert one suppository into the vagina once a day for 7 to 14 days, preferably at bedtime to minimize leakage. 

How to Use

To insert, wash your hands, place the suppository in the applicator, lay down with your knees wide, insert the applicator into the vagina, push the release, and you’re done. We definitely recommend visiting our guide on how to use boric acid.

How often you will insert a suppository will depend on your situation and the advice from your healthcare professional. Women seeking to treat a BV infection would typically insert one suppository per day for 1-2 weeks, for instance. While women who are prone to recurring BV infections are often advised to insert a suppository 2-3 times per week for a longer timeframe to prevent any future infections. 

How Do You Get Bacterial Vaginosis?

The vaginal environment, or microbiome, is a delicate balance of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria which naturally fluctuates throughout a woman’s life, particularly during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, and sex. While the vagina is normally capable of rebalancing minor fluctuations, an overgrowth of harmful bacteria can dramatically alter vaginal pH levels and allow infections like BV to thrive. 

Common in sexually active women aged 14-45, medical scientists have not yet determined exactly what causes BV, but the alkalinity of semen, the genital chemistry of sexual partners, and hormonal changes are believed to be contributing factors.

Therefore, women who are sexually active with multiple partners, or experiencing hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause, appear to be more prone to BV and recurring BV infections than others. 

Because semen is alkaline and the vagina is mildly acidic, semen can alter healthy vaginal pH levels thereby creating an environment for infections like BV to take hold. And just as the genital chemistry – i.e. the balance of good and bad bacteria – is different for every vagina, it is different for every penis too.

So, while penetrative sex with one male partner might not cause BV, the genital chemistry of another male partner could adversely affect a woman’s vaginal environment enough to allow an infection like BV to thrive. 

Similarly, fluctuating hormones during pregnancy and menopause can also alter the vaginal microbiome and leave women more susceptible to BV. Decreased estrogen, for example, leads to lower levels of the good bacteria called lactobacillus in the vagina, which in turn increases the risk of vaginal infections. 

How Does Boric Acid Treat Bacterial Vaginosis?

When the vaginal microbiome is disturbed by harmful bacteria, the levels of good bacteria known as lactobacillus are lowered, meaning the antimicrobial compounds they release are reduced too.

This creates an environment in which harmful bacteria can thrive into an infection and results in symptoms like vaginal itching, inflammation, a burning sensation when peeing, as well as unusual vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. 

When used in suppository form, boric acid is released quickly within the vagina where its antibacterial properties are believed to kill the offending bacteria, soothe the irritating BV symptoms, and restore the natural balance of the vaginal microbiome.   

Should I take Antibiotics with Boric Acid For BV?

Antibiotics are the first course of treatment recommended by medical doctors to clear BV infections, however, 15-30% of women who use only antibiotics as treatment are known to suffer a recurring BV infection within 3-12 months.

Due to the various side effects of antibiotics, some women prefer to try treating BV with natural remedies first, and many have been successful with a full course of boric acid suppositories, but not all. 

To get rid of BV, particularly for women who suffer recurring BV infections, a combination of boric acid suppositories taken in conjunction with antibiotics, is the most recommended form of treatment by female health professionals. 

Results from a 2009 study, for instance, showed that combining a course of antibiotics with a course of boric acid suppositories cured not only the current BV infection in 92% of women but prevented any recurring infections too. These findings were backed up in a 2020 study by the Journal of the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association. 

Is It Safe to Treat Bacterial Vaginosis with Boric Acid?

Yes, boric acid suppositories are considered perfectly safe for treating BV as long as you are not pregnant or trying to get pregnant. In these cases, it is best to speak with your doctor about treating BV. 

Boric Balance Suppositories from Intimate Rose, for example, are 100% natural and made using vegan ingredients and eco-friendly procedures in an FDA-registered facility in the United States.  

It is important to note, however, that boric acid should never be taken orally. 

How Soon Do Boric Acid Suppositories Work?

Boric Balance Suppositories are designed to dissolve in the vagina within a few minutes of being inserted and improve BV symptoms within 24 hours. Even though improvements are felt quickly, it is important to finish the full course recommended by your healthcare professional to clear the current infection and prevent recurring infections. 

Women suffering from repeatedly recurring BV infections are advised to speak with their healthcare professional about a sustained and regular dose of boric acid.  

What Happens If You Don’t Treat Bacterial Vaginosis? 

If women don’t treat BV, it increases their risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV. Untreated BV can also manifest into a much more serious condition known as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and women with female sexual partners can pass the infection onto them during sex. 

Women who leave BV untreated while pregnant run the risk of experiencing premature birth and extremely low birth weights.

If you notice an unusual vaginal discharge, a fishy odor, itching, burning, or inflammation around your genitals, schedule an appointment with your doctor to rule out BV.  


Due to the high possibility of recurring BV infections, treating bacterial vaginosis is not always straightforward. Even after a full course of antibiotics, which is the suggested medical treatment for BV, as many as 30% of women will experience a recurring BV infection within 3-12 months.

Recent research shows that the most effective way to treat BV and prevent future infections is by using a combination of antibiotics and boric acid suppositories.  

To get rid of BV with boric acid, try the 100% vegan Boric Balance from Intimate Rose. Produced in an FDA-registered facility in the US, they are 100% vegan, fast acting, provide relief from BV symptoms within 24 hours, and prevent future infections from occurring.   


National Library of Medicine – Boric Acid -

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – Bacterial Vaginosis -

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology - The Female Vaginal Microbiome in Health and Bacterial Vaginosis -

Journal of The American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association - Boric Acid Addition to Suppressive Antimicrobial Therapy for Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis -

National Center for Biotechnology Information – Clinicians' use of Intravaginal Boric Acid Maintenance Therapy for Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and Bacterial Vaginosis -

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