When you feel that your current dilator size is becoming more manageable but aren't quite ready to advance to the next size, several techniques can help prepare your body. Initially, continue using your current dilator as you normally would. Visualize the vaginal opening as a clock face, with the top being 12 o'clock. Start applying gentle, firm pressure on the base of the dilator at the 12 o'clock position for one to two minutes, then continue this technique clockwise around the clock face to 1 o'clock, 2 0'clock and so on. This method helps the vagina adapt to increased pressure gradually.

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Another strategy involves changing your body position. Moving from lying on your back to positioning yourself on your hands and knees alters how you engage your pelvic floor muscles, thanks to gravity. This position shift aids in muscle relaxation and desensitization of the nervous system. Such adjustments are beneficial not only for dilator use but also for other activities like intercourse, tampon insertion, or undergoing medical examinations.

Finally, a unique approach is to sit on the dilator. Start by inserting the dilator while lying on your side. Then, carefully move to a sitting position. This practice offers a new sensation and provides different training for the vaginal tissues, facilitating your progression to the next size.

When you can use your current size without pain, you can attempt to move to the next dilator size.

For those looking for more detailed guidance, the accompanying video offers visual and detailed instructions on each technique. These steps, designed with expert care, aim to make the use of vaginal dilators a more comfortable experience as you move forward in your therapy.

How do Vaginal Dilators Work?

When a vagina feels tight, a dilator gently loosens and expands the vaginal opening and canal, allowing you to progress at your own pace and increase the size and length incrementally as comfortability increases over time. There are many resources on our website on how to stretch your vagina. Dilators train the vaginal muscles and tissues to relax and expand, encouraging blood flow and elasticity to the area and calming the associated nerves during sex, for example. Dilators also help women become psychologically more comfortable with the idea and feelings of penetration, increasing their level of comfort at their own pace and on their own time in the privacy of their homes. Overall this helps to increase self-confidence and calmness.

Dilators Full Set on Bathroom Tray (2).png

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